CommCare in the Classroom

Prepare the next generation of field-ready
professionals with essential app-building skills

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CommCare in the Classroom

Leverage our freely available tools and resources to enhance the impact of your teaching and your students

Since 2011, CommCare has been leveraged in classrooms around the world to teach valuable real-world skills and enhance student learning. Application development and data optimization with CommCare is taught across a range of subjects including Mobile Health, Social Impact, ICT4D, Health Informatics, M&E, Health Communications and more.

What We Offer

Are you interested in introducing CommCare to your students? We are here to help!

Leverage the CommCare & Digital Health Syllabus.

Schedule a Dimagi guest speaker to lead a class or workshop.

Learn More

Learn CommCare app-building with free online courses.

Visit Dimagi Academy

Students and Teachers Around the World Love CommCare

CommCare creates valuable, hands-on learning experiences and opportunities to gain real-world skills

Interested in free licenses or guest lectures?